Welcome to the new virtual shop! It takes almost as much work to concede it as a real one!
First pictureoverview right here at the entrance, with a few clicks you will find the respective offer.
Or the mouse will find its hole at the top of the menu.
In the "Assortment" you will find colorful mixed picture links to all products.
The construction of this site is not finished yet, so please check back here from time to time!
Warnung: Diese Seite der Wirklichkeit enthält WortOMagie. Ungeduldige Leseversuche unserer ungewöhnlichen Textdarstellungen können bei
geistig gefestigten und/oder weltanschaulich gebundenen Personen Schubladenverklemmungen und/oder historische Abfälle auslösen.
Warning: This site of reality contains word magic. Impatient reading of our unusual texts could make you unintended patient!
Ideologically bound persons might feel their shackles crackle.
PAN OM "Weisheit für Alle" (GesamtKunstwerk)
HolzKunst Good Mood Wood (kreative Holzgestaltung)
Feingefühl & Lebensfreude (Marktanimation)
Idee in Form DenkMühle (Produktentwicklung, Kommunikation)
Wolfgang Krause alias Lupiter Crispus
Kleinsorheim Mühlfeld 4.2 86753 Möttingen im Ries
E-Mail: kontakt@pan-om.de
IBAN DE 67 7225 1520 0000 6239 75 BIC BYLADEM1NLG